Spores can wait thousands of years to sprout, patiently forming networks and evolving. This project embodies a mycelial approach, mimicking plant behaviours to build intricate, collaborative networks.
"Dispersal Strategies" is a dynamic multimedia art initiative celebrating interspecies collaboration among plants, humans, fungi, insects, animals, and spirits. It draws on ancestral wisdom and shared memories to shape our interconnected future.
Dispersal Strategies is a testament to nature's slow, nurturing, and feminine creativity. It reflects plant intelligence and the beauty of collaborative creation.
Non-linear invisibLE
support network
collective memory
senses for guidance
multispecies collaboration
different timeframes
eternal patience
forming networks
new dimensions
slow growth
Freedom from linear constraints
Regeneration through creative degeneration
Adaprive radiation
multiple variations greater-than-self wisdom
Natural biotopes captured over time, modified by collaborators, forming a non-linear, interconnected network.Sound
Organic soundscapes, movie scores, and compositions using biosonification, field recordings, instruments, and voice notes.
Documented reflections and insights available on the project's website.Collaborative Meetups
Creating new biotopes through shared effort.Live Performances
Evolving from the project's organic growth.Visuals
Scrofulously flamboyant and unexpected fruits of the process_________________
“So say a landslide has come through or there’s been a clear cut or whatever. So there’s this beautiful succession that happens where at first, the first ones coming, come in the type one species, and we call them weed species. They’re annual plants and they come in and what they’re doing is basically spreading out as quickly as they can — cover that ground. Because healing, the first thing is, don’t let the good stuff go. And that’s why you scar over so quickly. There’s that little, don’t let the good stuff leak out, all those nutrients that are there. So that’s their job. They come in and then they put all of their energy into creating pretty small bodies and seeds, not a lot of roots. And those seeds then blow off to the next opening that needs healing.
And what they’ve done though, is started to soften up the soil, started to put nutrients in, and the next group is the shrubs and the berries. And they start to put down roots. They’re going to stay for a while, and then they start what’s called facilitating. They start shading little seedlings, keeping wind away, creating. There’s a windward and a leeward, so some species that are a little more tender can get started. There’s this whole chaperoning and facilitation that happens. And then in the shade and the windshields of these trees, of these shrubs, little seedlings start and then those seedlings become the overstory that we know about. So literally it is a progression of making way, making things more and more fertile for the next cohort to come. So there’s this incredible generosity and everybody’s got their place.
But what’s really interesting, the thing that I’ve been thinking a lot about, and you do this so beautifully, bringing all these different circles of different places that we’re working in the world, and we may not know each other, but you’re bringing us all together to know each other’s work.
If a rain forest gets cut down, the way it starts is that there might be a stick, or a little rise and a bird lands — This is how it really starts. This is how the seeds of the weed seeds get in there — and it poops something out. And then that seed takes over and starts to become the facilitor of this succession in a circle, in a sort of circular way. And it’s also happening over there in the field, and it’s happening over there in the field, and in between, there are empty spaces.
And when people ask me, how are things going? I’m like, well, I think the circles of healing are starting to grow and they’re starting to grow towards each other. And if we were to reach out our hand in the dark at this point, we might find another hand.”
(Talk from Janine Benyus, Azita Ardakani, On Nature’s Wisdom for Humanity)
Portals to different dimensions
_mind opening properties
Embracing mystery and surprise r
ather than fear and insecurity.
slowness, waiting, mud, healing, observing, learning from nature and cycles, cycles of pain, release, anger, love, creation, stagnation, recovery, wanting to create and not doing it, wanting to procreate and not doing it,
stuck, stuck,stuck,no flow,pressure dynamics,circles, restoration of flow.
Maybe just doing whatever will help.
Mutualy beneficial exchange
Methodology = Mycelial behaviour
How to review our collective memory through plants? What can we learn about life, communities, support networks, collaboration, resilience, recovery, destruction and restruction from nature?
Adaptive Radiation
“Errant seeds took root in the young soil of a new island - the plant would evolve into a completely new species, or more often several new species, each trying out a different lifestyle. Result = thousand variations on a few species. Each new variation becomes endemic.
When plants are allowed to evolve without fear, they get scroupusly and flamboyantly specific.”
(Zöe Schlanger, The Light Eaters)
I am the gate to open
Through me to open the flow.
Degenarion for regeneration__enabler of new__taking time to decompose.
Senses for guidance
How might we find the flow again?
Creativity in nature, diversity, sensitivity, Fungal, floral ways of seeing, smelling, touching, hearing, sensing.
It will not stay the same. The material will evolve as a network influenced by its creators. Elements will die to make space for new reborn material. The sound will evolve like an organism reacting to new inputs.
Everything stays, everything moves
“Every chapter is phrased as a question. They do not lead to answers but to teachings.” (Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodriguez, Let’s become fungal)
In some fungal species genger does not play the role. They are extending our perception on sexual compatibility. They can reproduce sexualy, asexualy, they are non binary, and have endless possibilities for sexual capability.
Fungi + bees
fungi + ants
fungi + termites
Words becoming spores, landing in places, slowly forming a network together.
In some fungal species genger does not play the role. They are extending our perception on sexual compatibility. They can reproduce sexualy, asexualy, they are non binary, and have endless possibilities for sexual capability.
Fungi + bees
fungi + ants
fungi + termites
Spores have various dispersal strategies, eternal patience, wait for the right conditions to sprout, sometimes 1000 years.
Words becoming spores, landing in places, slowly forming a network together.